Entrepreneurship is Thriving
Record numbers of new businesses and industries have registered in Caldwell: 250-500 each year since 2018. The CCC&TI Business Center is ready to assist.
24 Mar 2023
LENOIR — Fifty-one local employers and more than 135 job seekers gathered at the J.E. Broyhill Civic Center on Thursday, March 23 for the annual Caldwell Is Hiring in-person event.
Caldwell Is Hiring is sponsored by Caldwell Community College and Technical Institute (CCC&TI), in partnership with the Caldwell County Economic Development Commission, the Caldwell Chamber of Commerce, and NCWorks.
The event offered an opportunity for those seeking employment to meet directly with companies that have immediate or soon-to-fill job openings. For employers, it was an opportunity to showcase job openings to a large pool of local applicants. At least 1,036 jobs were listed as being available.
“Caldwell Is Hiring continues to be an important event for our community,” said Caldwell County Economic Development Commission Director Ashley Bolick. “We saw an increase in the number of job seekers and employers for this event. Caldwell County employers have a variety of good paying jobs from manufacturing positions to professional positions, and everything in-between. Early feedback from both employers and job seekers is positive and optimistic for employment matches.”
In addition to the job fair, the event also featured an education fair with information on workforce training and degree programs as well as help with tuition assistance and advising for individuals wanting to enroll at CCC&TI.
For the latest local job openings and listings for companies that participated in Caldwell Is Hiring, visit www.caldwelledc.org or visit the Caldwell Is Hiring Facebook page.