Entrepreneurship is Thriving
Record numbers of new businesses and industries have registered in Caldwell: 250-500 each year since 2018. The CCC&TI Business Center is ready to assist.
30 May 2023
Growth in U.S.-international trade accelerated at an unprecedented pace in response to the spike in consumer demand during the COVID-19 pandemic. The United States is one of the world’s largest trading nations, with nearly $6 trillion in exports and imports of goods and services from the latest available 2021 data.
Of the total U.S. international trade of goods and services, the import and export of goods alone exceeded $4.6 trillion (77.4 percent) in 2021, up from $3.8 trillion in 2020. The Nation’s ports handled 41.1 percent (over $1.8 trillion) of the U.S. international trade by value in 2021. U.S. imports of goods grew by almost $506 billion or 21.5 percent while the export of goods grew by more than $329 billion or 23.0 percent between 2020 and 2021.1