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19 Jul 2023
The State Board of Elections has approved Caldwell County employee, Caldwell Sheriff’s Office employee, and Caldwell Community College and Technical Institute student identification cards for use in the 2023 municipal elections and 2024 primary and general elections in North Carolina.
Other newly approved identification cards include student IDs for all UNC System schools, as well as many other public and private colleges and universities. They also include employee IDs for many educational institutions, as well as some county governments and charter schools. All approved IDs include a photograph, which can be used to confirm a person’s identity when they check in to vote.
These IDs are in addition to the types of identification already permitted by state law for use by voters. The most common type of acceptable ID is a North Carolina driver's license, but there are other acceptable types of photo ID, which are listed on the State Board’s website at Voter ID. Students who have a driver’s license or other type of acceptable ID may use those, or, if their school’s ID is approved, they may use that ID instead.
Background on the Voter Photo ID Requirement
Voters will be asked to show photo ID when voting in North Carolina, starting with the municipal elections this fall. Most voters will simply show their driver’s license. But there are many other acceptable photo IDs.
If a voter does not have an acceptable photo ID, they can get one for free from the N.C. Division of Motor Vehicles (NCDMV). Find more information under “No-Fee ID Cards” at State IDs | NCDMV.
All voters will be allowed to vote with or without and ID. If an in-person voter does not provide an acceptable ID, the voter may fill out a Photo ID Exception Form and vote a provisional ballot or vote a provisional ballot and bring an acceptable ID to the county board of elections office by the day before the county canvass.
Voters who vote by mail will be asked to include a photocopy of an ID with their ballot or complete a Photo ID Exception Form for Absentee Voting. The photocopy will be mailed in a special envelope to protect the voter’s personal information on their ID.
For additional information see the NC Board of Elections complete press release regarding approved IDs.