Eat and Play North Carolina
Explore the Caldwell County Itinerary for food, shopping, highlights, lodging and adventures! We invite locals and visitors to delight in the journey and the destination.
Relocate or expand your business in Caldwell County to benefit from the expertise and customized solutions the Caldwell County Economic Development (CCED) team delivers. We’ll save you countless hours of research and analysis by providing a complete listing of commercial properties and a complement of personalized "one-stop-shop" services, all at no cost or obligation. You’re in good hands with CCED!
Caldwell County has available and affordable buildings, rail-served sites and the new Evergreene Industrial Park. Grants for building renovations, job creation and workforce development are also available. Here, you can move in faster, have generous incentive opportunities, get worker recruitment and training help and pay less to operate your business than you would in nearby communities. Since 2009, over 4.2 million square feet of industrial space has been renovated and sold. We have over half a million square feet of commercial space still available.
Contact CCED today for the most accurate inventory of Caldwell County’s available commercial and industrial properties!
Access the Caldwell County Key Indicators Report to learn more.
While our robust incentives will continue, industrial site development will be our future focus for growth. Caldwell County Economic Development (CCED), in partnership with a municipality, has broken ground on Evergreene Industrial Park to convert an old sawmill. This is our first county-owned industrial park in recent years. Through grants, CCED will extend adjacent water, sewer and broadband infrastructure to the site. Contact CCED for further details.
Caldwell County is part of the Hickory–Lenoir–Morganton Metropolitan Statistical Area (MSA), an important economic hub for Western North Carolina. With a total population of over 365,000 people and a labor pool of over 172,000, the foundations of the regional economy include furniture making, textiles, data centers, biotechnology and food processing industries. Through the Foreign Trade Zone (FTZ) #57 program, companies are able to defer, reduce or eliminate Customs duties on products admitted to the zone.
Access the Western Piedmont Council of Governments Economic Indicators Newsletter for data and trends.